Foster carers provide temporary care to someone else’s child, whilst issues regarding their carer are addressed. For foster carers who are already practising, but who are looking to transfer agencies, we offer a complete package of support, making the process as easy and streamlined as possible.

Whether you are changing location or area, looking to upskill, or craving new challenges, we offer a therapeutic fostering agency that prides itself on 30 years of experience in fostering, further developing your skill set, and treating our foster carers as part of our extended family.

Why Ascent?

With the right placement, children and young people can thrive, no matter what their background. We look forward to welcoming those who share this vision and have the skills to assist. At Ascent, we ensure that all our foster carers are offered second-to-none levels of training and ongoing support. We strive to make your foster journey as straightforward as possible, including when transferring from another agency. You will be welcomed from the very first contact with us.

We are always interested in hearing from sensitive, judgment-free, foster carers, who believe that they are the right person to help a child build new memories and experiences, and who can see the value in the care that they deliver, and the gap that this helps to bridge.


We believe learning is the key to success. Through offering our foster carers intensive training, they become better equipped and highly skilled in dealing with issues such as trauma and abuse, which many young children have encountered. We also offer specialist learning opportunities such as managing challenging behaviour, nurturing attachments, LGBTQ+, and de-escalation techniques. We are always there to listen and support, but we openly challenge every foster carer to be the best that they can be. If you are looking to expand your knowledge and further your development so that you can provide the very best start to young people, we will support you completely.

The Ascent team of foster carers are treated like a family and represent the beating heart of our organisation. We are committed to excellence and dedicated to our core values, which helps to ensure that children and foster carers strive for excellence in all that they do and set out to achieve.

We work hard to find solutions. We have a skilled and multi-disciplinary team who are experts in matching children with their perfect foster placement, as well as a dedicated mentor to help their assigned foster carer with any problem that they may encounter.

Ascent is based in South London, covering the entire area from Croydon to Sutton. We specialise in all kinds of placements, whether short or long term, for younger children, teenagers, or parent-child placements. If you are looking to transfer agencies or begin on your path towards becoming a therapeutic foster carer, we would love to chat with you and send further information.

Learn more about transferring here

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